Follow the path to the Tea House.

You will pass a stone lantern and replicas of art the Fabyans originally had in the Garden. Follow the gravel walkway until you come to the stream.  The Tea House is separated from the rest of the Garden by the stream—signifying an area more sacred than where you have been. 

The Fabyan Tea House, while not authentic to Japanese culture (it does not have a separate entrance for the Tea Master, nor a separate room for preparing food and tea), provides a beautiful representation of a quiet place for a peaceful ceremony in an atmosphere distinct from the fast-paced outside world.

The sake set, robe set, bodhisattva statuettes, and other items inside the Tea House are from the personal collection of Darlene Larson. Her tireless work was instrumental in the restoration of this Japanese Garden. For more information visit www.GenevaGardenClub.com.
