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2012: HVAC Installed in Fabyan Villa Museum
Before 2012, the 1907 Frank Lloyd-Wright redesigned Fabyan Villa Museum did not have air conditioning. Visiting the second floor was very uncomfortable for visitors in the summer and was very hard on our artifacts. Years of hard work with the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, HVAC experts, and grant writing that secured 70% of the funding brought about this monumental achievement!
In September 2012, J&R Herra, Inc. began installing a geo-exchange system to provide high-efficiency heat and air for the 1907 historic building. "[T]hese systems move or transfer heat from the earth rather than outdoor air. Since earth temperature remains relatively constant throughout the year, geo-exchange systems operate very efficiently. Additionally," we reported in our newsletter, "there is no outdoor unit, so visible modern equipment and weather-related maintenance are eliminated."
Many were surprised to learn that this drilling equipment pictured was for HVAC equipment since geothermal is still a relatively new technology. Now our visitors, volunteers, and artifacts enjoy a consistent, climate-controlled, energy-efficient environment in the Villa.
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SOURCES: "Install Climate Control System in a Historic House Museum," Advocate (Spring 2012), 3; "Fabyan Villa and Garden 2012 Season: New & Improved!" Advocate (Fall 2012), 4.