Preservation Partners of the Fox Valley
invites you to a dinner honoring a half-century of commitment to historic preservation and heritage education.

Thursday, October 17, 2024
Geneva Golf Club
831 South Street, Geneva, IL

6:00 PM ~ Cocktails, mingling, and appetizers
7:00 PM ~ Dinner
7:30 PM ~ Presentation
Michael Lambert, Preservation Planner for the City of Geneva (retired)
”Early Water-Powered Industry in the Fox River Valley After 1825”

Celebrate our future of continued passion and devotion with like-minded people at a sumptuous dinner—and learn about the history of our now-controversial dams.

Registration details coming soon!

At the event, we’ll be collecting handwritten memories and photographs to display, creating a time capsule to be opened at our 75th anniversary.

A link will be shared soon to share memories before the event.

You mean so much to Preservation Partners, and we look forward to seeing you and celebrating this milestone with you!